College Beat
College protests swept across California last year. Why have they stopped?
Campus administrators have been swift in enforcing their protest rules this fall, a marked change from last spring where protest encampments grew unchecked for days or weeks. Meanwhile, students are asking courts to weigh in on policies in court.
Black California students want more support. A new law names colleges that serve them best
A new law taking effect Jan. 1 creates a Black-Serving Institution designation for colleges and universities in California that excel in supporting student success. Campus presidents say the designation will help them recruit Black students and give them an HBCU-like experience in their home state instead of having to leave California for college.
Community college faculty often campus-hop. Newsom vetoed a plan to make their lives easier
A bill vetoed by the governor would have increased the number of classes part-time community college faculty can teach at a single campus. Part-timers often have to commute between multiple campuses to make ends meet. The governor cited potential costs for his veto.
As Cal State touts sex discrimination reforms, some students and employees question progress
The California State University Board of Trustees heard positive reports on Title IX reforms at its meeting this week, including new campus audits and data collection. However, some faculty and students say they have yet to see improvements.
College Beat
California college students want more online courses, but can they catch up to in-class peers?
The number of students taking college courses online has grown, particularly at the California Community Colleges. While campuses see the modality as increasing accessibility for students, the federal government is calling for greater oversight into the quality and effectiveness of online instruction.
Broken trust: Cal State is mending how it handles sexual discrimination cases
Changes are underway one year after scathing audits showed how the California State University system failed to handle reports of sexual discrimination, harassment and assault in its Title IX offices.