CalMatters is a nonpartisan and nonprofit news organization bringing Californians stories that probe, explain and explore solutions to quality of life issues while holding our leaders accountable. We are the only journalism outlet dedicated to covering America’s biggest state, 39 million Californians and the world’s fifth largest economy.
In 2024, CalMatters acquired The Markup, a nonprofit newsroom that challenges technology to serve the public good. The Markup bolsters CalMatters’ reporting on privacy, algorithms, AI, and tech regulation coming out of California. Launched in 2020, The Markup is rooted in a simple premise: technology is integrated across our daily lives and people deserve to better understand how it impacts them and what they can do about it.
Our Mission
To improve California’s democracy by making its government more transparent and accountable and giving Californians the information they need to understand and engage with that government.
Frequently Asked Questions
When was CalMatters founded? What is the ownership structure?
We were incorporated on Dec. 3, 2014. We are a nonprofit organization guided by a board of directors.
Our first day of publication was July 18, 2015. Our first work touched on: greenhouse gas emissions, climate change advocates, the climate change battle, a look at if the state will meet its greenhouse gas goals, California’s environmental future, an opinion column on electric cars, an opinion column on extreme weather and an opinion column on electricity generation.
Who funds CalMatters?
We are funded by a mix of foundations, major donors, members and corporate sponsors. We disclose our supporters and post our tax returns and financial statements.
Are our journalists independent of special interests?
Our news gathering and editing is independent of commercial or political interests. We do not accept gifts of any kind that could lead to a conflict-of-interest or appearance thereof. The newsroom is insulated from donors, sponsors and advertisers as outlined in our policies and standards page.
What are our policies for ethics and privacy?
View our policies and standards here.
Are we open to actionable feedback?
Our audiences are frontline witnesses to life in California – public safety, politics, housing, social movements, schools, culture – and your insights can help shape our news. We invite your comments on news stories, suggestions for issues to cover or sources to consult. We believe that news organizations have a responsibility to engage with the public on the values, issues and ideas of the day, and that we have much to gain in return. Contact us at
What is our corrections policy?
We are committed to notifying our audiences as quickly as possible when an error has been made. We note the error, the correct information and the magnitude of the error. Major errors are noted at the top of stories while minor factual corrections are noted at the bottom of stories. If you would like to report an inaccuracy email either or Editor-in-Chief Kristen Go, Stories generally are not updated post-publication, but decisions on when to do so are made by our editors and stories updated show a time the story was last updated.
Do we use anonymous sources?
We reserve anonymity only for sources who may face danger, retribution or other harm and who have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. We consider sources’ motivations before promising anonymity. When using an anonymous source we provide readers with an explanation in our story. We do not ever use pseudonyms.
Diversity & Inclusion
Our mission to improve California’s democracy by providing Californians with nonpartisan information can only be fully accomplished when our staff, leadership, content and audiences reflect the people of the state we serve, and when our website is fully accessible.
The complex issues we face as a society require respect for different viewpoints. Race and ethnicity, class, generation, geography and other factors all affect point of view. Reflecting these differences across our organization leads to better, more nuanced stories and a better-informed community.
Staff: We believe that a more diverse news team helps us to better accomplish our mission and serve people across the state. We are actively working to build a team of people who represent the community across race and ethnicity, ideology, socioeconomic status and gender. We are also actively committed to building an inclusive workplace where various viewpoints are included and welcomed in order to improve our work. We also work on maintaining equity across our staff.
Leadership: We are firmly committed to diversity among our board of directors and internal leadership. Organizational leadership positions matter, as these people have greater influence over the work that we do and how we do it.
Content: Our journalists are committed to diversifying our sources along with carefully considering the words, phrases and labels we use in our writing.
Audiences: We can only truly serve the people of California by focusing on reaching many communities across racial and ethnic backgrounds, language preferences, socioeconomic status, and other factors.
Accessibility: We are committed to making our organization accessible to people with a variety of mental and physical capabilities internally and externally. We maintain an office in Sacramento that is physically accessible. We understand that hiring people across the accessibility spectrum can help improve the work that we do. And we understand that improving the ways in which people use our content includes careful consideration of people with different physical abilities.
Board of Directors
Simone Coxe
Chair Emeritus and Co-Founder
Chris Boskin
John Boland
Hema Sareen Mohan
Vice Chair
Gregory Favre
Dean Baquet
Christy Chin
Janet Clayton
Efraín Escobedo
Robert Hernandez
Brian Jaffe
Jeff Klein
David “Mas” Masumoto
Jack Mosbacher
Leo Wolinsky
Our Story
CalMatters was founded in 2015 to fill the gap left by a shrinking press corps: to empower people to engage on key issues, hold the powerful accountable and create a better California.
We are now the trusted source for information and analysis on complex statewide policies and politics.
Our office is in Sacramento, but our team is spread out across the state. Our diverse team includes more than 50 experienced journalists along with product and revenue professionals.
We reach 1 in 10 people across the state by distributing our work, at no cost, to more than 250 media partners. We have readers and listeners in every major metropolitan area and throughout the state’s nearly 500 cities.
Our team has been recognized and honored with top state, regional and national awards from the National Press Club, the Online News Association, the Society of Environmental Journalists, the Public Media Journalists Association, the Institute for Nonprofit News, the Edward R. Murrow Award, the Society of Professional Journalists, Best of the West and California News Publishers.
We’re supported by a diverse and growing group of members, major donors, media, community and family foundations, and institutional supporters.
Our work has inspired changes across the spectrum of issues we cover including environment, education, public health, public safety, governance, natural disaster response, campaign finance, housing, jobs and more.