Guest Commentaries
CalMatters welcomes commentary pieces (also referred to as op-eds) focused on California policy, politics and quality-of-life issues. Below are our guidelines:
- Your op-eds must be exclusive to CalMatters (not published elsewhere) and no more than 650 words.
- Please include no more than two authors.
- Please include your photo and biographical information for publication.
- Please also include contact information so we can reach you.
- If your piece is selected for publication, we will ask that you provide a statement that you have read and accepted these guidelines and our ethics policy.
- Your piece will be edited for accuracy, style and clarity, published on our site and shared with our news partners. They may publish your piece.
Reader Reactions
We welcome reader responses to articles and commentaries published by CalMatters. Below are our guidelines:
- The letters to the editor must be exclusive to CalMatters and no longer than 150 words.
- Please include your name, photo and city of residence. If you are commenting as a representative of a group, organization or employer, please include your title or role.
- Please include the exact headline of the piece to which you are responding and the publication date.
- Please also include your contact information so we may reach you.
- We will edit your letter for style.
To submit a commentary, please send your submission via email to