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Miles Hilton

Full Stack Engineer

Miles is a full stack software developer, writer, and visual artist based in Western New York. They believe that code can be a powerful and flexible tool for justice and equity, and are glad to be at CalMatters and The Markup, using code to hold those who misuse it to account. After earning a degree in Computer Science from Columbia University, Miles worked at education technology startups in the New York City area, expanding the reach and accessibility of computer science education by stressing the creative potentials of code. They then worked at CNN on the CNN+ news streaming service, creating Interview Club. This live interview platform put the mic in user’s hands, allowing them to steer conversations with subject-matter experts. They have volunteered as a programmer with U.S. Digital Response, creating a grant-finding platform for NGOs and local governments, and are an active member of the Out in Tech professional community, where they volunteer as a technical mentor and as a programmer, creating websites for international LGBTQ+ groups.



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